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There is / There are + present continuous + prep ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There are books under the bookcase. YES/NO?
There is a teacher on the desk. YES/NO?
No, he is under the desk!
There is a board behind the teacher's desk. YES/NO?
Stella is next to Suzy. YES/NO?
no, she is next to Simon
There is a cat behind the bed. YES/NO?
There are three chairs in the picture. YES/NO?
__________ near the teacher.
There is an apple
There are apples
There is a cat on the refrigerator. YES/NO ?
The boy is wearing white shorts. YES / NO?
No, he is wearing blue shorts
___________ a woman in the bathtub.
There is
There are
There is a table under the lamp. YES / NO?
There is a chair next to the desk. YES / NO?
There is a car under the bed. YES / NO ?
There is a chair next to the window. YES / NO?
There is a park in front of the hospital. YES / NO ?
NO. The park is behind the hospital.
The bookshop is between the school and the toy shop. Yes or no?
No, it's between the school and the hospital.
There is a cafe between the shoe shop and the toy shop. YES / NO.
There is a hospital next to the toy shop.
No, it's next to the bookshop.
Where is the car?
It's in front of the toy shop.
Stella's sitting benind Lenny's dad. Yes or no?
No. She's sitting next to Simon.
Lenny's sitting in front of Mrs Star. Yes or no?
Grandma is sitting in front of Stella. Yes or no?
No. She's sitting behind Simon.
Simon is sitting between Stella and Suzy. Yes or no?
Mr Star is playing the piano. Yes or no?
No. He's playing the guitar.
The Pet Shop is between the shoe shop and the fruit shop. Yes or no?
How many dogs are there?
There are 3 dogs.
Grandma Star is sitting behind Grandpa Star. Yes or no?
No. She's sitting next to him.
How many cars are there?
There are 3 cars.
There are two children watching TV. YES/NO?