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Past Simple & Continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What ____ you ___ (see) when you got into the house?
did you see
___ you ___ (go) to the cinema with Mary yesterday?
Did you go
When we arrived a the hotel, the maid ______ (clean) our room.
was cleaning
The police ____ (call) him at least four times before the arrest.
The postman came while we ______ (have) breakfast.
were having
When Susan _____ (come), we started preparing dinner.
Paul ______ (study) a lot when he was a university student.
We were having a party when Jack ______ (tell) me about his wedding.
When my father arrived, we ______ (watch) TV.
were watching
I was having a shower when the phone ______ (ring)
My cousin couldn't visit us in August because she ______ (do) a course.
was doing
Karl ______ (not hear) the doorbell because he was listening to his iPod.
didn't hear
We _________ (relax) when we heard a noise.
were relaxing
My computer ______ (break) down yesterday.
I ______ (watch) that film three times last year.
After brushing my teeth I ______ (go) to bed.