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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where do rattlesnakes live?
Where do anacondas live?
rain forest
Where does the orangutan live?
rain forest
Where does the sloth live?
rain forest
Where is the largest desert?
Which habitat grows the tallest trees?
rain forest
Where do tapirs live?
rain forest
Where do woodpeckers live?
woodland forest
Where can we find owls?
woodland forests
Where can we find lizards?
Where do great white sharks live?
Where do penguins live?
Where do elephants live?
Woodland forest
Where do reindeer live?
Where do deer live?
woodland forest
Where do you think a jaguar lives?
woodland forest
Where do bears live?
woodland forests
Where do camels live?
in the desert
Where do polar bears live?
in the Arctic
What is a pond?
a small body of fresh water
What is an ocean?
a large body of salty water
What and where is the Arctic?
a very cold place near the North Pole
What is a desert?
a dry habitat that get very little rain
What is a rain forest?
a habitat where it rains almost everyday
What is a woodland habitat?
a habitat where trees can grow well