Edit Game
Pre-Intermediate. Trimester 1. Revision

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When-so-because-although: My 65-year-old father worked _____ he was retired.
My 65-year-old father worked ALTHOUGH he was retired.
When-so-because-although: She went to bed early ____ she was tired.
She went to bed early BECAUSE she was tired.
When-so-because-although: He got up late __ he didn't have any breakfast.
He got up late SO he didn't have any breakfast.
When-so-because-although: She was very happy ____ she heard the news.
She was very happy WHEN she heard the news.
Only women wear it. It's a top and skirt that go together. It's a...?
You wear them on your feet in winter. They are...?
You wear them on your hands when it's cold. They are...?
You wear this jewellery on your finger. It is a...?
You wear them on your feet in summer. They are...?
Organise the words: wearing/what/you/now/are?
What are you wearing now?
Organise the words: last week/cups/how many/drink/of/tea/did/you?
How many cups of tea did you drink last week?
Organise the words: read/every/do/day/a newspaper/you?
Do you read a newspaper every day?
Choose the correct word: Did you call me last/at weekend?
Did you call me LAST weekend?
Choose the correct word: She didn't/wasn't at home.
She WASN'T at home.
Choose the correct word: We didn't/wasn't have any money.
We DIDN'T have any money.
Choose the correct word: We went out yesterday/last morning.
We went out YESTERDAY morning.
Choose the correct word: Gary texted me two hours last/ago.
Gary texted me two hours AGO.
Choose the right word: Which/How newspaper do you read? Why/Who are you always late? How often/How long does it take you to get to work?
WHICH newspaper do you read? WHY are you always late? HOW LONG does it take you to get to work?
Say Past Simple of these verbs: become, go, do, have, need, think, argue
became, went, did, had, needed, thought, argued
Complete the phrase: ask someone ___, go ___ a date, fall __ love, break up ____ someone
ask someone OUT, go ON a date, fall IN love, break up WITH someone