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THINK revision

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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REPORT: "I am moving houses" she said
She said she was moving houses
She ____ (work) for 20 years at achool that she decided to retire
If I were you...
I would (quit my job; relax; take it easy)
Make a FUTURE sentence
My train ARRIVES/LEAVES at ... (timetable)
Make a FUTURE sentence
I'll be a doctor one day (prediction) ; I'm going to be a doctor (plan)
You like English... (question tag)
Don't you?
Complete: She ___ (know) the answer for a while
What has he been waiting for?
He has been waiting for a phone call
Mention 10 music genres in 30 seconds
St's answers
4 actions you can do with a song
What has the band just done with the album?
They have just RELEASED it
Who is he?
Give her some advice. DO NOT USE SHOULD/N'T
She had better / ought to....
Give her some advice. DON'T USE SHOULD(N'T)
She had better / ought to...
5 actions to do with your computer in 30 seconds
St's answers
Make a comparison using an ADVERB with the way they drive
Red drives FASTER than WHITE
Mention 10 types of films in 30 seconds
St's answers
Compare two sports from the picture
St's answers
Make a comparison with both houses
House A is AS BIG AS house B
Mention 10 musical instruments in 30 seconds
St's answers