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Movie or TV Show?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is this a movie or tv show? What is the name?
Rise of the Guardians
Is this a movie or tv show? What is the name?
Adventure Time
Is this a movie or tv show? What is the name?
The Book of Life
Is this a movie or tv show? What is the name?
Hotel Transylvania
Is this a movie or tv show? What is the name?
Peter Rabbit
Is this a movie or tv show? What is the name?
Phineas and Ferb
Is this a movie or tv show? What is the name?
Is this a movie or tv show? What is the name?
Charlie Brown
Is this a movie or tv show? What is the name?
Is this a movie or tv show? What is the name?
Brother Bear
Is this a movie or tv show? What is the name?
Johnny Test
Is this a movie or tv show? What is the name?
Is this a movie or tv show? What is the name?
The Greatest Showman
Is this a movie or tv show? What is the name?
High School Musical
Is this a movie or tv show? What is the name?
That's So Raven
Is this a movie or tv show? What is the name?
Is this a movie or tv show? What is the name?
Hocus Pocus
Is this a movie or tv show? What is the name?
The Chronicles of Narnia
Is this a movie or tv show? What is the name?
Is this a movie or tv show? What is the name?
Is this a movie or tv show? What is the name?
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
Is this a movie or tv show? What is the name?
Is this a movie or tv show? What is the name?
The Nightmare Before Christmas