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Ornamental Fish

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What kind of fish is Nemo and Dori?
Clown fish and blue fish
Which fish has the heart shape?
Heart-shape blood parrot fish
Which fish has tails on their mouth?
A 'dragon-fish' is called...
A 'plate-fish' is called ....
What is this type of fish?
A fish that can fight is called ......
Betta fish/fighting fish
What is this kind of fish?
Bubble-eye gold fish
There are several types of goldfish. Name 1 of them:
Oranda, ryukin, lionhead, bubble eye, telescope, fantail gold fish
What kind of fish is this?
Tell me 1 ornamental fish market's name in Saigon!
Nguyen Thong or Luu Xuan Tin
What kind of fish is this?
Lionhead goldfish
What is this kind of fish?