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How many countries, people and computer has the Ransomware has affected ?
150 countries / 200,000 people / 300,000 computers
Adware long form ?
Define Spyware
spyware is the type of malware that pairs with desirable software and forces the browser to download and install it along with the desirable software .
First worm was___ created by ____ in _____ who was a student of Cornell university
Morris Worm by Robert Tappan Morris in 1988
__ type of malware which does not require a host
What was the first email activated macro virus ? When and by whom was it created?
Melissa by David L. Smith in 1999
Brain was released in 1988 true or false
FALSE 1986
First boot sector virus which was the first PC virus
Who coined the term "COMPUTER VIRUS" and when
Fred Cohen in 1983
Virus requires a __ to enter a computer
short form of malicious software