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Vietnamese food

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name the Vietnamese dish
Xúp cua
Name the Vietnamese dish
Gỏi cuốn
Name the Vietnamese dish
Trứng vịt lộn
Name the Vietnamese dish
Bún bò Huế
Name the Vietnamese dish
Name the Vietnamese dish
Nộm hoa chuối
Name the Vietnamese dish
Nem Bò Nướng Sả
Name the Vietnamese dish
Mì Quảng
Name the Vietnamese dish
Hu tieu
Name the Vietnamese dish
Gà tần
Name the Vietnamese dish
Chả cá
Name the Vietnamese dish
Cao lầu
Name the Vietnamese dish
Bún thịt nướng
Name the Vietnamese dish
Bún đậu mắm tôm
Name the Vietnamese dish
Bun cha
Name the Vietnamese dish
Bò né
Name the Vietnamese dish
Bò nướng lá lốt
Name the Vietnamese dish
Bò kho
Name the Vietnamese dish
Bánh xèo
Name the Vietnamese dish
Bánh tráng nướng
Name the Vietnamese dish
Bánh mì
Name the Vietnamese dish
Bánh khọt
Name the Vietnamese dish
Bánh cuốn
Name the Vietnamese dish
Bánh rán