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JS8U12 D15 Refugees to Fugees

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who introduced football to many parts of Asia, Africa and the Americas.
British Soldiers
How many people play football in the USA
20 Million people.
What does FIFA stand for.
Federation Internationale De Football
What city are the Fugees based?
Atlanta Georgia.
What does "Traumatic" mean?
Something that has been very difficult and upsetting.
Who wrote Refugees to Fugees.
Jane Schwartz
Whom helped the team buy their equipment?
The wealthier parents of other teams.
Where was the first World Cup held?
How long ago was the first evidence of people playing football and in what country?
2000 years ago and in China.
How many countries in the world have a professional football team?
Over 200 countries.
What is a "Sacrifice"?
Something you must give up in order to get better.
What are "boundaries"?
The edge of a marked out space.
Name some of the countries the boys had to escape from.
Bosnia, Afganistan, Sudan.
How many countries have people had to escape from since the 1980s?
66 Countries.
Since the 1980's there has been how many refugees have settled in the USA?
2.5 Million People
What is a Refugee?
Someone who has had to leave their home country for their own safety.
What sport do The Fugees