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imperatives A1 english file

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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___________! It isn't a big problem. (close / eat / go / listen / make / play / open / read / sit / speak / worry)
Don't worry
_________ my emails! They're private. (close / eat / go / listen / make / play / open / read / sit / speak / worry)
Don't read
_______ down and ________ your books at page 43. (close / eat / go / listen / make / play / open / read / sit / speak / worry)
Sit / open
_________ pasta for lunch. I don't like it. (close / eat / go / listen / make / play / open / read / sit / speak / worry)
Don't make
You're very tired. _________ to bed. (close / eat / go / listen / make / play / open / read / sit / speak / worry)
___________ slowly, please. I don't understand you. (close / eat / go / listen / make / play / open / read / sit / speak / worry)
_________ the piano! The baby's in bed! (close / eat / go / listen / make / play / open / read / sit / speak / worry)
Don't play
_________ those eggs! I want to make an omelette. (close / eat / go / listen / make / play / open / read / sit / speak / worry)
Don't eat
I'ts very cold in here. _________the window please. (close / eat / go / listen / make / play / open / read / sit / speak / worry)