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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I'd like...
doughnut eggs fish grape hotdog ice cream
I'd like...
egg fish hotdog ice cream
I'd like...
doughnuts eggs grapes hotdog
I'd like...
bananas cheese eggs fish
I'd like...
apple banana doughnuts eggs
I'd like...
doughnuts eggs fish
I'd like...
apples bananas cheese
I'd like...
grapes hotdog icecream
I'd like...
bananas cheese egg fish hotdog iceream
I'd like...
apples bananas doughnuts eggs grapes hotdog
I'd like...
apples bananas cheese doughnuts eggs fish grapes hotdog ice cream
I'd like...
mayo noodles pizza quiche
I'd like...
noodles olives quiche rice
I'd like...
ketchup letters noodles olives
I'd like...
jelly ketchup mayo noodles pizza quiche
I'd like...
jelly ketchup letters mayo noodles olives
I'd like...
mayo noodles olives pizza quiche rice
I'd like...
she'd like jelly ketchup mayo noodles pizza quiche rice olives letters
I'd like ...
I'd like ...
I'd like ...
I"d like ...
salad toast vegetables waffles
I"d like...
toast ugli fruit waffles xmas cake
I'd Like ...
vegetables waffles yogurt zucchini