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Se meus amigos tivessem me ajudado, eu teria feito um bolo.
If my friends had helped me, I would have made a cake.
Minha sobrinha me emprestarĂĄ o laptop, se eu for lĂĄ.
My niece will lend me the laptop, if I go there.
Todos teriam visto a flor, se vocĂȘ tivesse mostrado.
Everybody would have seen the flower, if you had showed.
Minha sobrinha me emprestaria o laptop, se eu fosse lĂĄ.
My niece would lend me the laptop, if I went there.
Todos veriam a flor, se vocĂȘ mostrasse.
Everybody would see the flower, if you showed.
Todos verĂŁo a flor, se vocĂȘ mostrar.
Everyone Will see the flower, if you show.
Eu nĂŁo teria vendido minha casa, se eles nĂŁo tivessem concordado.
I wouldnÂŽt have sold my house, if they hadnÂŽt agreed.
Se vocĂȘ nĂŁo pagasse, eles nĂŁo te dariam o carro.
If you didnÂŽt pay, they wouldnÂŽt give you the car.
Eu nĂŁo venderei minha casa, se eles nĂŁo concordarem.
I wonÂŽt sell my house, if they donÂŽt agree.
Se ela comprar a casa, eu me mudarei daqui.
If she buys the house, I Will move from here.
Se a Ana limpar a casa, eu pagarei para ela.
If Ana cleanS the house, I Will pay her.
Se meus amigos me ajudassem, eu faria um bolo.
If my friends helped me, I would make a cake.
se vocĂȘ nĂŁo pagar, eles nĂŁo irĂŁo te dar o carro.
If you donÂŽt pay, they wonÂŽt give you the car.
Eu nĂŁo venderia minha casa, se eles nĂŁo concordassem.
I wouldnÂŽt sell my house, if they didnÂŽt agree.
Minha sobrinha teria me emprestado o laptop, se eu tivesse ido lĂĄ.
My niece would have lent the laptop, if I had gone there.
Se a Ana limpasse a casa, eu pagaria para ela.
If Ana cleaned the house, I would pay her.
Se meus amigos me ajudarem, eu farei um bolo.
If my friends help me, I Will make a cake.
Se ela tivesse comprado a casa, eu teria me mudado daqui.
If she had bought the house, I would have moved from here.
Se vocĂȘ saĂ­sse, eu iria com vocĂȘ.
If you went out, I would go with you.
Se ela comprasse a casa, eu me mudaria daqui
If she bought the house, I would move from here.
Se vocĂȘ sair, eu irei com vocĂȘ.
If you go out/get out= leave, I Will go with you.
Se vocĂȘ tivesse saĂ­do, eu teria ido com vocĂȘ.
If you had left, I would have gone with you.
Se vocĂȘ nĂŁo tivesse pago, eles nĂŁo teriam te dado o carro.
If you hadnÂŽt paid, they wouldnÂŽt have given you the car.
Se a Ana tivesse limpado a casa, eu teria pago para ela.
If Ana had cleaned the house, I would have paid her.