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Which province in Vietnam has reported the most Covid-19 cases? a. Ho Chi Minh b. Hanoi c. Da Nang d. Hai Phong
b. Hanoi
Where is the safest place to be during a Covid-19 outbreak? a. at home b. on the plane c. at the dance club d. at the football stadium
a. at home
When did Vietnam report its first cases of Covid1-19? a. November, 2019 b. December, 2019 c. January, 2020 d. February, 2020
c. January, 2020
What song are they singing (now a Covid-19 song)?
Viet Nam Oi!
Which province in Vietnam has had no cases of Covid-19 (15-5-20)? a. Ben Tre b. Ninh Binh c. Thanh Hoa d. Ba Ria
d. Ba Ria
Which group is most at risk of getting the virus? a. children b. pregnant women c. men d. people over 65
d. people over 65
Who does this official fighting the virus work for? a. the US b. the UK c. the UN d. China
c. the UN
How many people has Covid-19 killed worldwide (15-5-20)? a. less than 200,000 b. less than 300,000 c. less than 400,000 d. more than 400,000
c. less than 400,000 (302,493 as of 15-5-20)
What is NOT a symptom of Covid-19? a. difficulty breathing b. loss of sight c. loss of smell and taste d. tiredness
b. loss of sight
What is one action that Vietnam has taken to stop the spread of Covid-19? a. closed schools b. closed hospitals c. closed pharmacies d. closed airports
a. closed schools
How long can it take on average for you to start showing symptoms of Covid-19? a. 1-5 days b. 3-7 days c. 4-19 days d. 2-14 days.
d. 2-14 days
What city in China is said to have recorded the first cases of Covid-19? a. Shanghai b. Guangzhou c. Wuhan d. Beijing
c. Wuhan
What animal was the first to be infected by Covid-19? a. Cat b. Tiger c. Elephant d. Eagle
b. Tiger (April 6th, 2020)
Which sport was cancelled or postponed due to the Covid-19 epidemic? a. Premier League (football) b. NBA Finals c. Tour de France d. All of the above
d. All of the above
Which country's leader was diagnosed with Covid-19? a. UK b. France c. Italy d. USA
a. UK (Boris Johnson)
What is an effective way to stop Covid-19? a. wearing a mask b. washing hands c. living in hot weather d. it is unknown
d. it is unknown
What is the name of the music program created by Lady Gaga that features artists playing music from home? a. We are the World b. Live Aid c. One World d. Music Soup for the Soul
c. One World
Which country has the highest number of cases of Covid-19 in Asia (15-5-20)? a. China b. India c. Iran d. Indonesia
c. Iran (114,533 cases as of 15-5-20)
Which country reports no cases of Covid-19 (15-5-20)? a. Chile b. North Korea c. Cuba d. Sri Lanka
b. North Korea (but they likely have many cases)
Which country in Europe has the highest number of Covid-19 cases 15-5-20)? a. Russia b. UK c. Spain d. Italy
a. Russia (262,843 as of 15-5-20)
Who sings the original song that was changed to a Covid-19 song in Vietnam? a. Noo Phước Thịnh b. Lam Trường c. Erik d. Isaac
c. Erik
How many cases of Covid-19 does Vietnam have (15-5-20)? a. less than 100 b. less than 200 c. less than 300 d. less than 400
d. less than 400 (total 313 on 15-5-20)
Where is the Vietnam Airlines pilot from who has not recovered from Covid-19? a. USA b. UK c. Australia d. New Zealand
b. UK
Which country in the world has the most Covid-19 cases (15-5-20)? a. USA b. China c. Russia d. Italy
a. USA (1,448,810 as of 15-5-20)