Edit Game
Year 2 - Unit 3

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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get cold
get lost
get dark
get bored
get tired
Was your mum happy last Summer?
Yes, she was./No, she wasn't.
Were you sad yesterday?
Yes, I was./No, I wasn't.
Did you go on day trip last Summer?
Yes, I did./No, I didn't.
What did you do two weeks ago?
Two weeks ago I...
Make this sentence NEGATIVE: Last week we were at school.
Make this sentence negative: Last week we were at school.
Make this sentence NEGATIVE: Last night I was at home.
Make this sentence negative: Last night I wasn't at home.
Make this sentence NEGATIVE: Last night I went snorkelling.
Make this sentence negative: Last night I didn't go snorkelling.
Make this sentence NEGATIVE: Last night I visited a museum.
Make this sentence negative: Last night I didn't visit a museum.
Make this sentence NEGATIVE: Last night I did water sports.
Make this sentence negative: Last night I didn't do water sports.
Use the past simple: Yesterday he ________ (go) hiking.
Yesterday he went hiking.
Use the past simple: Yesterday he ________ (try) the local food.
Yesterday he tried the local food.
Use the past simple: Yesterday he ________ (buy) a souvenir.
Yesterday he bought a souvenir.
Use the past simple: Yesterday he ________ (stay) in a hotel.
Yesterday he stayed in a hotel.
Use the past simple: Yesterday he ________ (do) water sports.
Yesterday he did water sports.
Use the past simple: Yesterday he ________ (read) a guidebook.
Yesterday he read a guidebook.
_____ a guidebook
READ a guidebook
_____ a museum
VISIT a museum
_____ the town
EXPLORE the town
_____ snorkelling
GO snorkelling
_____ on a day trip
GO on a day trip
_____ the local food
TRY the local food
_____ on a guided tour
GO on a guided tour