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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How often do you do practice your English?
How often do you hang out with friends?
"I'm going to get together with a friend in a tea house tomorrow in the afternoon. Do you want to come?" What's your reply?
Sorry, I can't, I'm busy in the afternoon / Sure, I'd love to!
Imagine we're here in E-klab and I tell you: "I'm gonna drink a cup of hot chocolate. Do you want to drink one too?" What's your reply?
Yes, please / No thanks, I'm fine
Is there a bookshop near your house?
Imagine I'm downtown, on the corner of Córdoba street and España street. Where is the nearest square?
"Me gustaría viajar a Londres, pero es una ciudad muy cara". How do you say that in English?
I'd like to travel to London, but it's a very expensive city
"Mary doesn't like ___________ Portuguese". A) learn B) learnt C) to learn D) to learning
"A: Qué tan seguido vas a hacer bowling? B: Varias veces al año". How do you say that in English?
A: How often do you go bowling? B: Several times a year
Imagine you and your friend are out drinking some beers but you're short of cash. What do you do?
You go to the cash machine (ATM) and get some cash / You ask your friends for money: "Can you lend me 200 pesos?"; "Can I borrow 200 pesos?"
"The Smart Ice-cream shop is at 790 Pellegrini Avenue". Is the sentence correct?
Yes, it is: We use AT with specific direction, ON when we talk about streets only. (The Ice-cream shop is on Pellegrini Avenue).
What does this person want to do?
He wants to quit smoking
How do you call a person that is really determined to go after the goals they want to achieve?
Ambicious / Go-getter
How do you say "hora pico"?
Rush hour