Edit Game
GE3 review units 10, 11 and 12

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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REPORTED SPEECH: “I had already been here.” She told us _______.
She had already been here.
REPORTED SPEECH: “I love pizza” Pete told us _______.
(that) He loved pizza
REPORTED SPEECH: “I'm traveling to Madrid.” She said____.
She was traveling to Madrid.
REPORTED SPEECH: “I forgot to buy the tickets.” She said ______.
She had forgotten to buy the tickets.
REPORTED SPEECH: I said to John “I'll call you later.'” I told John ______.
I told John I would call him later.
REPORTED SPEECH: “We have to go to school” They said _______.
They said that they had to go to school.
Complete with WHO, WHERE, THAT: This is the house _______ I grew up.
Complete with WHO, WHERE, THAT: She's the person ____ had helped me.
Comeplete with simple past and past perfect: I _______ (recognize) you because we ______(meet) before.
I recognized you because we has met before.
Comeplete with simple past and past perfect: I _____(not come) to class because I _______ (break) my foot playing soccer.
I didn't come to class because I had broken my foot playing soccer.
Comeplete with simple past and past perfect: I _____ (think) you _____ (go) to the bakery.
I thought you had gone to the bakery.
I'm saving money ______. (travel)
to travel
I'm tired of _____. (fight)
I like this girl but I'm too shy to ____ her ____.
a) introduce - b) stay in touch - c) ask out
In my family there are no fights or arguments. We all ________.
a) get along well - b) get back together - c) become friends
I was stalking your sister yesterday, she's really pretty! Will you _____ us?
a) become friends - b) introduce - c) in common
I'm sorry things didn't work out between you and Mark. Mom told me you guys _____ yesterday.
a) got back together - b) introduce - c) broke up
You mother lives in another country, right?! How do you _____?
a) get along well - b) stay in touch - c) got married
I love going ______ with boyfriend. We always go to gorgeous restaurants.
a) on a date - b) stay in touch - c) get along well
Complete with gerund or infinitive: I can't afford ______ (live) alone.
Complete with gerund or infinitive: She's planning to _____ (start) college next semester.
to start
Complete with gerund or infinitive: I'm looking forward to _____ (finish) this project.
Complete with gerund or infinitive: We've arranged _____ (meet) at the mall.
to meet
Complete with gerund or infinitive: It's so cold that I don't feel like _______. (go out)
going out
Complete with gerund or infinitive: I suggested _____ (change) the date.
Complete with gerund or infinitive: I can't stand ______ (talk) to fake people.
My mother has a new husband and he has a son. His son is my s_________.
The person who lives next door to you is your n________.
Ana has no siblings. She's an o_____ c_____.
only child
Simone is Esther's e______.
My wife has passed away. We had 2 children. I'm a s_____ p_____.
single parent
Livia and Olivia are t______.
Marina shares an apartment with Olivia. They're r________.