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be going to / will

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A: Where are you going with that bucket? B: I..............................(wash) my car
am going to wash
A: We have no bread left. B: I know, I........................(get) some
am going to get
I'm sure Joe ..............................(pass) the driving test
will pass
I hope they.......................(come) on time
will come
I think he.......................(get) a pay rise
will get
........................(you/marry) me?
Will you marry
What a beautiful dress! I .......................(buy) it!
will buy
I........................(take) a hamburger and a small Coke
will take
I'm not sure they.......................(win) the match
will win
I'm sure she..........................(come) to your party
will come
I promise I .................(do)i t again
won't do
What...............................(you/do) this summer?
are you going to do
They......................(watch) a film tonight
are going to watch
I...........................(meet) my friends today
am going to meet
The sky is dark, it....................................(rain)
is going to rain
The sky is dark, it....................................(rain)
is going to rain
I think I........................(be) an actress in the future
will be
.......................(you/help) me? These suitcases are too heavy.
Will you help
It's dark here, I .................(switch) on the light
will switch
I hope you........................(pass) the exam
will pass