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A, An, The, No article

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He is _____ oldest child in his family.
_____last weekend, you said we would go to _____ park today.
no article, the
She is _____ very creative little girl!
He was _____ engineer. He is very smart.
He is _____happy boy. He always has a smile on his face.
She is _____ honest person. She would never lie to you.
Caraguatatuba is _____ interesting town. I think you would love it!
_____ clouds are dark. It looks like it is going to rain.
They love to study _____ English. Their teacher is _____best!
no article, the
Do you want _____ coffee? It's on me!
What kind of _____ coffee do you like?
no article
What is _____worst food you ever ate?
What is _____ best food you ever ate?
Welcome to our house! _____ kids are playing in _____ back yard and you can leave. your shoes here and join them,
The, the
When I was watching _____ tv, I saw a crime documentary talking about Ted Bundy and how he would pick up his victims.
no article.
On _____ last day of the vacation, we went hiking and watched _____ sun set from a beautiful overlook.
the, the
_____ last week, we went to visit my parents.
no article.
_____ best meal of the day is _____ breakfast.
The, no article.
I love _____ children! I can't wait to start working with them again!
no article
_____ tv just broke. I think we will have to buy a new one.
My birthday is in _____ March. When is yours?
no article.
I think that string instruments are _____ best.
Have you ever played _____ violin?
She is _____best student in _____ class.
the, the
We went on a small vacation to _____ beach.
_____ coffee is my favorite thing to drink in the morning.
no article
Did you see _____ moon tonight? It is HUGE!
_____ coffee was too hot so I had to wait for it to cool down.
_____ girl sitting on that chair looks sad.
I would rather live in _____ beach town than in _____ city.
a, a
_____ city of New York is very interesting. Many people from there are from different cultures. Back in the day, they used to call it "_____ mixing pot" because it was so diverse.
The, the
_____ dog was playing in the ocean. Later, we saw that _____ dog had an owner and was playing fetch with coconuts.
a, the
He is _____ interesting person to talk to.
He is _____ interesting man.
She is _____ dietitian.
I saw _____ lady wearing a strange hat. She looked like _____ same lady I met in the store the other day.
a, the