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Everybody Up 4 _ Unit 1 _ Lesson 3

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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spaghetti / making / at / good / very / not / I'm / . /
I'm NOT very good at making spaghetti. 
a / riding / . / I'm / not / at / very / good / bike
I'm NOT very good at riding a bike. 
you / help / I / can / . / worry / Don't / . /
Don't worry. I can help you.
not / at / I'm / very / ice-skating / good
I'm NOT very good at ice-skating.
ice-skating / Julie's / at / good / very
Julie's very good at ice-skating.
BE _ _ _ _ _ (spell the word)
but / fun / it's / ! / I'm / very / not / at / good / ice-skating / ,
I'm NOT very good at ice-skating, but it's fun!
out / ! / Watch / everybody / Whoa / ! / ,
Whoa! Watch out, everybody!
be / , / ! / Emma / careful
Emma, be careful!
fast / very / going / are / girls / The
The girls are going very fast.
can / ! / Yes / , / I
Yes, I can!
! / it / do / can / you / , / See
See, you can do it!
Lesson / The / Skating
The Skating Lesson ⛸⛸ ⛸⛸
worry / Don't / . / you / I / help / can / . /
Don't worry. I can help you.
very / ice-skating / I'm / good / not / at
I'm NOT very good at ice-skating.