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miraculous ladybug

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you have just receive 25 points
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you have just receive 20 points
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you have just receive 25 points
the old bee miraculous holder is...
Choé/ Queen Bee
The new bee miraculous holder is ....
Zoé/ Vesperia
Who got the first Magical charm?
how many times does Mr.Pigeon got akumatize?
Who got akumatize in Emphemeral?
Luka and Marinette ship name.
what is Princess Justice ability?
Reveal the truth (just like Truth(Luka when he's akumatise), bruh)
free pass
you have just receive 10 points
Ladyblog belongs to ....
Alya Cessair
who is Catalyst?
Who is Scarlet Moth?
Hawkmoth/ Gabriel Agreste
If Chat Noir got akumatise then what is his akumatise name?
Chat Blanc
free pass
you have just receive 5 points
who is The Mime?
Mylene's father
who is this movie Director?
Thomas Astruc
Timas Astruc
Thomas Amilie
Thomas Alva Edison :)
If you're stuck in the movie, which role do you want to play?
i want to play as ...
who is Stone Heart?
who is Prime Queen?
Nadia Chamark
who is The Puppeteer?
Manon Chamark
who is Stormy Weather?
who make Marinette got akumatise?
Lie-la (Lila) the liar/ Lila Rossi
who is Pharaoh when he/she akumatise?
Alix's brother (idk his name) :))
If Marinette got akumatise then what is her akumatise name?
Princess Justice
who is Chloe mother, always say:"Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous! You're fired!"
Audrey Bourgeois
who is the girl with blonde hair, the daughter of Mayor Bourgeois and always say:"Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous"?
Chloe Bourgeois
Where is Ladybug and Chat Noir live?
What is the goat kwami's name?
What is the monkey kwami's name?
What is the tiger kwami's name?
What is the horse kwami's name?
What is the dog kwami's name?
What is the chicken kwami's name?
What is the snake kwami's name?
What is the mouse kwami's name?
What is the butterfly kwami's name?
What is the rabbit kwami's name?
What does Tikki called Plagg ?
Stinky Socks
Which character is my favorite ?
Nathalie, Mayura
who is she?
Audrey Bourgeois
who are they?
Jagged Stone and his assistant, Penny
who is she?
what is this?
an akuma
what are these creatures?
what is this?
an amok
what are they??
a villian couple
what does Plagg called Tikki?
which miraculous is Nathalie's ?
peacock miraculous
Marinette and Adrien ship name???
what is Chat Noir identity ?
Adrien Agreste
what is Ladybug identity ?
Marinette Dupain-cheng
who is this beautyful blue hair woman???
Nathalie , Mayura