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Everybody Up 5 Unit 7 + 8 Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's this?
What's this?
What activity is this?
go scuba diving
What activity is this?
see the pyramids
What country is this?
What country is this?
What country is this?
New Zealand
What country is this?
What's this?
turn on the computer
What's this?
turn down the volume
What's this?
download the music
What's this?
send the email
What's this?
wind turbine
What's this?
What's this?
What's this?
a dam
What's this?
solar panel
How do people use clean energy in your country?
How do you use electricity?
How do wind turbines make energy?
strong wind
Have you used a computer today? What did you do?
I've just ________________. I haven't ______________.
Turned off the computer
I've just ________________. I haven't ______________.
Turned on the computer
What are the most famous mountains in your country?
Talk about a famous place in your country.
I've been to ____, I've never been to ____.
New Zealand / the UK
I've been to ____, I've never been to ____.
Has he ........ yet? -......., he ...........
Has he downloaded the music yet? - No, he hasn't.
Has she ........... an email yet?
Has she written the email yet?
He has already ...... on the.... but he hasn't logged ............. yet.
He has already turned on the computer but he hasn't logged into the website yet.
Has he logged into the website yet?
No, he hasn't.
Has she turned off the computer yet?
No, she hasn't.
She has already ........... but she hasn't  .............. them yet.
She has already uploaded the photos but she hasn't printed them yet.
Has he .......... in a rain forest before? - ......., he .........
Has he hiked in a rain forest before? - No, he hasn't.
Has she seen the ..............before? - ....., she ....
Has she seen the pyramids before? - Yes, she has.
He has gone ...... but he hasn't gone ..........
He has gone rafting but he hasn't gone scuba diving .
Has he .... a camel before? - ..., he ......
Has he ridden a camel before? - Yes, he has.
I've been to ...... I've never been to ........
Kenya / Peru
Has she ever been to ..........?- No, she hasn't.
New Zealand
Have you ever been to .....   ....? - Yes, I have. (2 words)
the UK