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Saving the Rainforest Comprehension

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How did people around the world respond to the news of this operation? a. They started sending their old mobile devices. b. They started singing. c. They wanted to personally get involved in the operation.
a. They started sending their old mobile devices
Why was it important to hide the devices up in the tree canopy? a. to protect them from the sun b. to stop monkeys from eating them c. to keep them hidden from loggers
c. to keep them hidden from loggers
Why was it challenging to build a solar panel to power the cell phones? a. There are too many clouds. b. Tree canopies block sunlight. c. Solar power doesn’t work.
b. Tree canopies block sunlight.
Why is it a good idea to use cell phones to detect the sounds of chainsaws? a. They are cheap and full of sensors. b. They have the right shape. c. They are quiet.
a. They are cheap and full of sensors
What percentage of rainforest logging is illegal? a. 20% b. 50% c. 90%
c. 90%
What is the second highest contributor to climate change? a. deforestation b. cars c. industrial processes
a. deforestation
What was the ‘big surprise’ about the rainforest? a. There was a cell phone network. b. There was no technology. c. There was illegal logging
a. There was a cell phone network
What is difficult to hear in the Borneo rainforest? a. birds b. insects or c. chainsaws
c. chainsaws