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Grammar Practice

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did the cats hear?
They heard a (noun) (verbing).
What did the dogs see?
They saw a (noun) (verbing).
What did the nurse hear?
She heard a (noun) (verbing).
What did the doctor see?
He saw a (noun) (verbing).
What do the children hear?
They hear a (noun) (verbing).
What do Chuck and Susie see?
They see a (noun) (verbing).
What does Pam hear?
She hears a (noun) (verbing).
What does Tim see?
He sees a (noun) (verbing).
How bad is the scary movie? use (comp adj) than
It is worse than the ( ).
How good is the pizza? use (adj + er than)
It is better than the ( ).
How colorful is the butterfly? use more (adj) than
It is more colorful than a ( ).
How interesting is the book? use more (adj) than
It is more interesting than the movie.
Is a zebra slower than a snail?
No, it isn't slower than a snail.
Is a cheetah faster than a turtle?
Yes, a cheetah is faster than a turtle.
What is smaller than a mouse?
A ( ) is smaller than a mouse.
What is the elephant bigger than?
It is bigger than a ( ).
What do the the French fries taste like?
They taste like (chips/potatoes).
How does the stinky tofu smell?
It smells (gross/delicious).
What did the dog look like?
It looked like a (puppy/wolf).
How does the guitar sound?
It sounds (loud/quiet).
What did the bread feel like?
It felt like a (pillow/rock).
How did the pizza taste?
It tasted (delicious/gross).
What does the lizard look like?
It looks like a (dinosaur).
How does the soup smell?
It smells (delicious/gross).