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Shogun Japan

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What was the name of the missionaries that converted the Japanese?
the Jesuits
What weapon changed the warfare of Japan?
Who were the first Europeans to visit Japan?
What was shintoism's core beliefs?
Worshipping nature spirits.
What religion believed that suffering could be overcome through enlightenment?
Name at least three religions that existed in shogunate Japan.
Confucianism, Buddhism, Catholicism, Shintoism, Zen Buddhism and Taoism.
Who did the samurai have to give military protection to in order to receive land?
What does "feudal society" mean?
It means that the higher and lower members of society owe each other particular duties and receive benefits in return.
What kind of society was shogunate Japan?
A feudal society
What is a "regent"?
Somebody who rules a country for a child until the child is old enough to rule.
What did Toyotomi Hideyoshi proclaim in 1587?
That all Christian priests (padres) must leave Japan within 20 days.
Wars were constantly occurring in shogunate Japan between lords. What type of war is this?s
Civil war!
Why was war a good thing for some?
Because the winner could gain more land, money and power.
There was a 150 year war between different daimyo in Japan. What was it called?
Onin War
What stopped the Mongols from invading Japan?
Who was the first shogun to rule Japan
Minamoto Yoritomo
The battle to rule Japan involved which three clans?
Fujiwara, Minamoto and Taira
True or false: the emperor was seen as a god?
How did the emperor lose their power?
The daimyo and shoguns became too powerful and eventually rebelled against the emperor.
Is Japan a continent, island or plateau?
If a person rules a large area, what are they called?
Before the shogun, who was the real leader of Japan?
The emperor
What is a "shogun"?
Military leader