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A scary dinner party

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You enter zombie and you are free from the scary dinner party!
The password is the answer to this question, what is an undead monster who loves to eat brains?
To escape you need to choose the right password
You reach the door, but it's locked!
There is nothing to protect you from this monster, run!!!
Now another scary monster appears, how does it look?
Now a ghost is coming to get you, what can you use to protect yourself from the ghost?
A hoover
A broom
A coat
A shoe
A vampire is coming to get you, what vegetable do vampires hate and can protect you?
You are in a big house, where are you going to hide?
They're going to eat you!!!
The monsters look at you and lick their lips, what are they going to do?
These... these aren't costumes, these are real monsters!!!
Wait, are these costumes?!
Everyone's costumes are really good, they look really realistic...
What are you going to drink?
You sit down for dinner, what are you going to eat?
Everybody is dressed in scary costumes, what costumes do they have?
The host welcomes you in, what is his costume?
He's a wolf
You get invited to a fancy dress dinner party in a big, old house, what costume are you going to wear?