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Book 3 (Units 6-10)

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Say 3 English grammar points
Simple Present, Simple Past, Present Perfect
Say 3 things you can catch
a cold, a mouse, a bus
Say 3 emotions
love, hate, happiness
Say 3 things you can boil
eggs, potatoes, water
Say 3 things you ought to do
clean the house, wake up early, go to the gym
Say 3 units of length
kilometer, centimeter, meter
Say 3 places that have grass
a farm, a park, a garden
Say 3 things you haven't done yet
travelled to Europe, lived in another city, had a baby
Say 3 things you have already done today
had lunch, worked, gone to the gym
Say 3 places you would like to visit
New York, London, Rome
Say 3 places where you can lie
bed, sofa, floor
Say 3 things that might happen in the future
alien invasion, cure of cancer, teleportation
Say 3 things that bring you comfort
food, comfortable clothes, coffee
Say 3 places with a beautiful landscape
Fernando de Noronha, Thailand, Australia
Say 3 things that have wheels
bikes, motorcycles, cars
Say 3 dangerous sports
boxing, American football, skateboarding
Say 3 things you take with you when you travel
suitcase, passport, ID
Say 3 things you will do next year
travel, start a new course, exercise more