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Means of transport

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Choose the odd one out: PLANE ROCKET TRAM HELICOPTER
Choose the odd one out: FERRY TRAM BIKE BUS
Fill in the gap: I get to school ................. tram and ................ foot.
by , on
Choose the odd one out: FERRY TRAIN BOAT SHIP
Choose the right word: Don't miss your bus / bike!
Choose the right word: The quickest way to get to the island is by lorry / ferry.
Choose the right word: Can you ride a train / bike?
Choose the right word: How often do you go to school by / on foot?
Choose the right word: My father can drive a bike / van very well.
Fill in the gap: Do you go to school by ____________________?
Fill in the gap: He was on a ___________________________ to the city yesterday evening.
Fill in the gap: She is now in a _____________________ going home.
Fill in the gap: David rides his _______________________ to school.
bike / bicycle / mountain bike
Fill in the gap: My father likes to ride his _________________________ at the weekend.
motorbike / motorcycle
Fill in the gap: Sam is going to the Philippines by _________________
Fill in the gap: The ________________________ is used by firefighters to travel to places where fires need to be put out.
fire engine