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cause and effect for kids

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does a scientist do?
He invents things. Makes inventions.
What is it?
It is a pump
It was too hot so the ice cream melted. What is the cause/ effect?
Cause - too hot / Effect-ice cream melted
There is ice on the road, so the dog slipped . What is the cause/ effect?
Cause - ice on the road / Effect-dog slipped
It is hot, so Dina drinks water. What is the effect?
Dina drinks water.
Sam's feet are cold so he covers them. What causes Sam to cover his feet?
His feet are cold.
Ted is sad, because he lost his toy. What is the cause of Ted being sad?
His toy is lost.
It is so hot, so I eat ice cream. What is the effect?
I eat ice cream.
I am hungry, as a result I make a sandwich. What is the cause?
I am hungry.
The flowers blossom when I water them. What causes the flowers to blossom? 
Watering them.
My t-shirt is dirty because I play in the mud. What is the effect?
My t-shirt is dirty.
I love my mom, so I buy her a gift. What is the cause?
I love my mom.
We plant some seeds, and flowers grow. What is the effect here?
Flowers grow.
The sky is cloudy, so it starts to rain. What is the cause here?
The sky is cloudy.