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Trinity 5 Vocabulary

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are you doing this weekend?
I WILL go to my grandparents' house / I AM GOING TO the cinema
Name 5 videogames that you have played using the present perfect
I've played Fortnite, I've played FIFA, I've played ...
Make a negative sentence in Present Perfect using the verb "travel".
I've never travelled by boat, We have never travelled to China, ...
What other two people are important in a wedding, aside from the groom and the bride?
The best man and the maid of honor
What things can you find on a wedding?
Rings, wedding dress, church, invitation, bouquet, guests, food,
What is this celebration?
Can you name 5 different types of drink that you can find in a party?
Water, beer, refreshments, wine, coke, juice
Can you name 5 different types of food that you can find in a party?
Chips, olives, muffins, cake, pizza, omelette, ...
Would you rather travel by plane or by car?
I'd rather travel by _____ than by _____ because ...
Can you name 5 different types of transports by sea?
Sailing boat, yacht, cruise ship, speed boat, submarine
Do you know 4 different types of transports that fly?
Zeppelin, balloon, rocket, plane, helicopter
Do you know 3 different types of transports that have 4 wheels?
Van, lorry, car, limo, truck, quad bikes
What is your favourite type of entertainment?
Ex: TV Shows. My favourite TV shows are ...
Can you name 4 types of entertainement?
TV shows, movies, books, sports and hobbies, music, ...
Have you ever been to a festival? Describe it (food, clothes, when, where)
I have been to a festival ... / I've never been to a festival ...
What things can you do on a Festival?
You can sing, dance, celebrate, have fun, ...
Name a different instrument for each member of the team!
Piano, trumpet, trombone, guitar, drums, violin, ...
Can you name 5 types or genres of music?
Classical, rock, pop, rap, blues, jazz, ...
Can you name 5 decorations that you can find on a birthday party?
Candles, party hat, balloons, garlands, banners, confetti, ...
What are the most important things in a party?
Food, drinks, music, guests, place and decorations
Who gets married in a wedding?
Groom and bride
What is this celebration?