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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name one of our three assist. principals.
Mr. Capecci, Ms. Power, Ms.
Name our principal.
Ms. Potis
Name someone that works in the office (not an administrator)
Ms. Michelle
When is Halloween?
October 31st
How many members are there in the K-Pop group "BTS"?
Who plays the new Spider-Man in the Marvel movies?
Tom Holland
If you needed braces, what kind of doctor would you visit?
An Orthodontist
Who is the quarterback for the Seattle Seahawks?
Russell Wilson
What is the main ingredient in Guacamole?
What is the name of Seattle's new hockey team (NHL)?
How many players are on the field (for one team) for a soccer match at one time?
In which state is the Hollywood sign located?
What group do these guys play for: John, Paul, George and Ringo
The Beatles
What is the capitol of the United States?
Washington D.C.
What kind of animal is the character Heihei from Moano?
What is Mountain View's mascot?
What is the name of the social media where you post square photos?
What does "brb" mean if you are texting/chatting?
Be Right Back
How many Toy Story movies are there?
How many inches are in a foot?
What temperature does water freeze at?
32 degrees Fahrenheit
How many sides does an octagon have?
How many U.S. states are there?
What is the name of the alternate dimension in Netflix’s "Stranger Things"?
The Upside Down
Who sings the song “Say So” that’s behind the popular TikTok dance?
Doja Cat
What does the acronym “smh” stand for?
Shaking my head
Who wrote "Romeo and Juliet"?
William Shakespeare
What group are these guys in: Harry, Niall, Louis, Liam
One Direction
What sport is Simone Biles known for?
What is the largest ocean on Earth?
The Pacific Ocean
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Spongebob Squarepants
What is Iron Man's real name?
Tony Stark
In which country would you find the Eiffel Tower?
How many innings are in a standard baseball game?
What is the name of the Disney movie about Rapunzel?
Who is on the $1 bill?
George Washington
What book series did J.K. Rowling write?
Harry Potter
Who do these guys play for? Nico Lodeiro, Stefan Frei, Raul Ruidiaz, Freddy Montero, Christian Roldan,
Seattle Sounders
How many months have 31 days in them?
Can you name all 8 planets?
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune