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Controversial topics for debate

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Cars in inner cities should be banned
People should be forced to eat less meat through rationing
Should people with unhealthy lifestyles be taxed or refused medical treatment?
Should alternative or traditional medicine be covered under our health insurance?
Should university education be free?
Should teachers be paid the same as doctors or lawyers?
Are governments correct in dictating what a woman must or mustn't wear?
Should parental religious beliefs be permitted to refuse essential medical treatment (such as blood transfusion or organ transplant) for their children?
Should companies pay medical bills for families affected by a pollutant that can be linked to its facilities?
Should more governments incentivize their citizens to use renewable energy resources in their homes like solar, wind, etc.?
Should the sale and use of palm oil be banned?
Should countries face sanctions if they continue to pollute the air using outdated technology such as coal
Should alternative products like "vegetarian hamburgers" or "almond milk" be permitted to be called such, when they are not hamburgers or milk?
Should retailers accept bitcoin?
Should social media platforms be held accountable for content on their sites including fake news or unfounded conspiracy theories?
Should men and women have to share parental leave equally?
Should circumcision be banned?
Should governments be allowed to use a ‘citizen rating’ system to determine if you’re allowed to buy a house, travel, or even open a bank account?
Should 13 year olds be allowed to work legally?
Should LGBTQIA+ people be allowed to adopt or use IVF or surrogates?
Should police officers who kill unarmed suspects still be allowed to work?
Should we have open borders?
Should schools be year-round, is the long summer holiday really necessary?
Should schools be required to provide the textbooks for students?
Should students be allowed to use computers and the internet during exams to emulate real working life?
Should sanitary products and contraception be free?
Should the patents for Covid vaccines be voided for the benefit of mankind?
Should transgender people be allowed to practice professional sport in their assigned gender?
Should young pregnant teenagers be forced to give up their babies for adoption?
Should hate groups be allowed to voice their opinions?
Should suicidal patients have a right to end their lives.
Prisoners should be allowed to vote.
Corporal punishment should be allowed in schools
Cloning has a lot of benefits
Software piracy is not really a crime.
The internet must be censored to protect society.
Single-sex schools should be the norm.
Beauty pageants should be banned.
Nuclear weapons are a necessary tool to ensure peace.
Music which glorifies violence towards women should be censored or banned.
Nepotism is sometimes acceptable
Bribery is sometimes acceptable
Foreigners shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Women will never be equal to men in the workplace
Nobody should have a smartphone until they turn 18.
Gender neutral bathrooms should be built in schools
Cimate change is a hoax
Alcohol should be illegal
Capital punishment should be reintroduced to reduce crime
Schools should ban religion classes
Smoking should be banned
Torture can be considered depending on certain circumstances
Military service should be obligatory
Marriage is outdated
Animals shouldn't be used for medical testing
All countries should legalize marihuana.
Video games are a waste of time