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Present / Past Simple / Cont

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You / sleep / 10 am / Sunday ?
Were you sleeping at 10 am on Sunday ?
How / you / meet / your partner ?
How did you meet your partner ?
What / you / do / this time yesterday ?
What were you doing this time yesterday ?
You / believe in / Santa Claus / childhood ?
Did you believe in Santa Claus in your childhood ?
When / you / get / your first job ? What / it ?
When did you get your first job ? What was it ?
You / busy / weekend ?
Were you busy at the weekend ?
Anyone you know / look for / a job / currently ?
Is anyone you know looking for a job currently ?
What / your best friend / do / now ?
What is your best friend doing now ?
You / watch / any TV show / moment ?
Are you watching any TV show at the moment ?
How often / you / have dreams ?
How often do you have dreams ?
You / know / a good restaurant / Kharkiv ?
Do you know a good restaurant in Kharkiv ?
What / your partner / do / free time ?
What does your partner do in his/her free time ?