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Alexander Von Humboldt- Subject and predicate- L ...

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Alexander studied in the University of ____________.
Alexander von Humboldt was a _____________scientist.
What is the PREDICATE in this sentence. "Ana and Sara are friends"
are friends.
What is the PREDICATE in this sentence. "The little cute cat is eating pizza"
is eating pizza.
What is the PREDICATE in this sentence. "The baby boy will drink milk"
will drink milk.
What is the PREDICATE in this sentence. "They are happy"
are happy.
What is the SUBJECT in this sentence. "They are happy"
What is the SUBJECT in this sentence. "The baby boy will drink milk"
The baby boy
What is the SUBJECT in this sentence. "The little cute cat is eating pizza"
The little cute cat
What is the SUBJECT in this sentence. "Ana and Sara are friends"
Ana and Sara
The north-south lines on a map are called.
When we went camping we crossed many _________________.
I saw a beautiful ________________.
There are 7 _______________ in the world.