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Christmas Quiz

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What´s a traditional Christmas pie filled with spices and fruit called?
mince pie
It is a type of brown sauce made from the juices of meat, mainly used at Christmas
What is Christmas Pudding?
A brown pudding with raisins, nuts and brandy
In America his name is Santa Claus. They dont call him that in England. They call him...
Father Christmas
Which of these would you expect to find inside a Christmas cracker?
a paper hat, a joke, a small gift
What's this?
How does Santa usually get into our house?
He comes down the chimney
Which vegetable is traditionally eaten on Christmas Day?
Brussels sprouts
What do we call the day before Christmas?
Christmas Eve
What's this?
a stocking
What do we call the songs we sing at Christmas?
What thing do English people put into the Christmas pudding?
a silver coin
In the UK, Christmas dessert is often...
Christmas pudding
Where do children believe Santa puts their presents?
On what day do they celebrate Christmas?
December 25th
On which date do they celebrate "Boxing day"?
26th of December
At what time of the day do the British people eat their main Christmas meal?
Early afternoon
What is the most traditional meaty christmas dish?