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Too, too much, too many

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There are ___ things in this room! What a mess!
too many
It's ___ cold to have the window open.
She's got ____ clothes!
too many
I've got ___ books!
too many
They've got ____ subjects this year.
too many
He's put ___ sugar in his coffee. It's going to be____ sweet.
too much/too
These palm trees are ____ skinny to climb.
These trousers are ____ long for me.
That suitcase is ____ heavy for her to lift.
The ring is ___ small for her finger.
There are _____ marbles to count.
too many
There are _____ cockroaches in this city. Ugh!
too many
That cat is _____ fat! It looks unhealthy.
That water is ____ dirty to drink. It could make you ill.
Oh no! I made _______ rice!
too much
Our teacher gives us ______ homework
too much
That poor man has got _______ to do.
too much
There are ______ people on that train!
too many
That is ______ early for me to get up!
That is ______ complicated for me!
That is _____ food for just two people (even if they are very hungry!)
too much
This man drinks _____ coffee!
too much
You are never _____ old to play basketball.
The dog has eaten ____ sausages. The vet is telling him off.
too many