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Amazon Adventure

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You take the boat back to the city, safe at last!
Now you have to get in the boat, be careful, remember the piranhas!
You see a man in a boat who can help you get back to land
The monkey knows how to get out of the rainforest, he points to the river, do you want to go there?
Now you and the monkey are friends!
How can you make the monkey less angry and happier?
Oh no! A monkey now wanted to eat that and now he's angry!
You take and eat  a banana from a tree as you're hungry!
You see a sloth in the tree, say hello and wave super slowly
Quick! Run out of the river and back into the rainforest!
You run into the river to get away from the snake, you feel something bite you, what do you think it is?
In the Amzon Rainforest there is the worlds biggest...
The parrot tells you to look out, and then a giant snake comes down from the tree!
You continue walking and see a parrot in one of the trees, what does the parrot say to you?
You run fast, but the jaguar runs even faster, luckily the jaguar is full and isn't hungry, phew!
A jaguar appears, run!
You're walking through the rainforest and hear a noise in the trees, what do you think it is?
You find yourself in the Amazon Rainforest, which continent is the Amazon Rainforest? 
South America
North America