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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Dlaczego biegałaś w nocy po parku?
Why were you running at night in the park?
they/ feed/ the dog 2 hours ago?
Were they feeding the dog 2 hours ago?
Pisaliśmy list do naszej cioci tydzień temu
We were writing a letter to our aunt one week ago
Kate/ not dig in the garden
Kate wasn't digging in the garden
Ja nie byłam sama w domu kiedy on biegał w parku
I wasn't alone at home while he was running in the park
Czy wczoraj padał deszcz?
Was it raining yesterday?
Czy ty ogladałeś mecz kiedy ja sprzątałam w pokoju?
were you watching TV while I was cleaning/ tidying my room?
Mój dziadek grał w szachy wczoraj
My grandad was playing chess yesterday
Tom pływał w basenie 2 godziny temu
Tom was swimming in the pool 2 hours ago
My sister/ do the dishes
My sister was doing the dishes
trójkatny naszyjnik
triangular necklace
złota korona
gold crown
metalowy miecz
metal sword
drewniana skrzynia
wooden chest
szklana szkatułka
glass box
papierowy notes
paper notepad
okrągłe monety
round coins
pudełko na biżuterie
jewellery box
owalny kask
oval helmet
diamentowy pierścionek
diamond ring
plastikowa gra komputerowa
plastic computer game