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3 branches of the US Government

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many original states/colonies were there?
What's the name of the document that lays out the rules for our government, also known as the highest law of the land?
The US Constitution
Who is the Congressional Representative in Santa Ana
Lou Correa
What month do we vote for Congress and the President?
What are the 2 main political parties in the US?
The Republican and Democratic Parties
Who appoints Supreme Court Justices and Cabinet Secretaries?
The President
Who can veto bills?
The President
When was the US Constitution written?
Who was the 1st US President?
George Washington(John Hanson before the Constitution under the articles of Confederation)
How many Senators from each state are there?
Who are the Senators from California?
Alex Padilla and Dianne Feinstein
What's the name of the US President?
Joe Biden
What's the name of the Vice President?
Kamala Harris
Where is the US Capital?
Washington D.C./District of Columbia
Which branch determines if laws are constitutional?
The Judicial Branch
Which branch enforces the laws?
The Executive Branch/The President
How many Representatives are there in the House?
How many Senators are there?
How many Supreme Court Justices are there?
How many years is a Supreme Court Justice's term?
For life
How many years is a Senator's term?
How many years is the President's term?
How many years is the term of a Congressional Representative?
Who makes the laws?
Congress/Legislative branch