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After / Before/ while + ing / I did / nouns

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She often enjoys a nice cup of tea ........(go to bed)......
Before going to bed / Before she goes to bed / before bed
My body always feels great ...........(exercise) .........
after exercising // After I exercise
he likes to be in a quiet and peaceful environment .......(read)....... a book.
while reading / while he reads
I always feel stressed .....(take a test).....
Before taking a test / Before I take a test
I'll eat dinner .......(watch)...... a movie.
Before / After watching / I watch
If I drink coffee ....(go to bed) ..... I can't sleep
Before going to bed / before I go to bed
I hate loud music ....(study).....
while studying / While I study
In korea, when you go to the PCrooms, you can play games ......(eat)...... ramen.
While eating / while you eat
I found out about how nice korean are ........ (go) ........ to SEOUL
After going // after I went
I didn't know how amazing JEJU Island was .........(visit)...... Korea
Before visiting // before i visited
I didn't know how interesting the LOUVRE museum was .........(visit)...... Paris in FRANCE
Before visiting // before i visited
I always feel like Ironman ........ (get payed) ....... and like Spiderman ...... (spend)....... all of it.
After getting payed / After I get payed before spending / before I spend
I slept all day yesterday ................(play)............ games all night.
after playing // after I played
I was unhappy ........(meet)....... you. Now I'm feeling great!
Before meeting / Before I met
She lived in a small apartment and had a old tiny car ......... (win)...... the lottery. Now she lives in a big house with a garden and drives a nice electric car.. Lucky her!
Before winning / before she won
I went to work by walk ...... (get) .... my driving license. Now I drive there.. Lazy me!
Before getting // Before I got
I always listen to music ....(study)....
while studying / while I study
How many people did he scam ........ (get caught) ..... and .......(go) ......... to jail? (scam = 사기꾼)
before getting caught and going to jail? // Before he got caught and he went to jail?
How long should I quarantine ..... (be able to) ..... go out of my appartement. Corona is so annoying ..
before being able to / before I'll be able to
I studied for a long time ...... (take)...... the exam
before taking / before i took
I saved a lot of money ..... (buy) .... a house
before buying / before I bought
I love eating popcorn ..... (watch) .... movies
while watching / while I watch
Taking notes ....(listen) ... to a class is a very good habit
while listening / while you listen
Never drink too much water .... (sleep) ...
before sleeping / before sleep / before you sleep
You should always stretch ....(exercise) ...
after / before -> exercising / you exercise
This morning I brushed my teeth ....(eat).... breakfast
After eating / After I ate / After