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Year In Review 2022-2023

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Pick a friend or teacher/assistant and give them a compliment.
You are a nice person, I like the way you always stay positive, You are really smart
Who was someone that helped you the most this school year?
Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother, Teacher, Assistants, Friend
Describe the 2022-23 school year in 3 words?
This school year was ______, _______, and _______. (great, scary, fun, hard)
What is something you hope to do over summer break?
I would like to __________. (go on a trip, see my friends, go shopping, sleep in)
How do you feel now that it is almost summer break?
I feel ________. (excited, happy, just ok, sad because I will miss my friends)
Name something you did or learned that made you feel proud.
I feel proud because I __________. (came to class everyday, learned new technology, completed all of my work)
Can you name all of your classmates?
My classmates are _______.
Tell about 2 activities you did in class that you really enjoyed.
Playing games, Going to virtual dances, Going to Kindness Club
What do you look forward to for next school year?
I look forward to ________. (Seeing my friends, getting back to normal, working in my class)
Tell something that was challenging this year?
Zoom, Internet Connections, Missing my friends/teacher
What is something you learned this year?
I learned ____________.
As this school year comes to an end, What is something nice you could say to your teacher?
Thank you for helping me, I appreciate you, You're the best!