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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She loves running. I’ve never known anyone so easy-going/passionate about their sport.
We were disappointed/proud by the small amount of money we raised. We’d expected more.
We (pick) up rubbish from the beach every weekend since May
You look really tired! How many exams (have) this week?
How many / times / she / go / to the youth club?
They / win / several awards / for their charity work
How many / text messages / you / send / today?
She / start / her own company / in a couple of years (Future continuous)
He / star / in Hollywood films / in a year or two (Future continuous)
They / not make / a fortune / with that crazy idea! (Future continuous)
Then I ’d feel / felt more confident as a cook − unless you wouldn’t like / didn’t like my cooking of course, but I can’t imagine that! (2nd conditional)
If I needed / wouldn’t need to practise, I cooked / could cook for my friends and family. (2nd conditional)
These days remote controls for TVs and other machines ______ (find) in every home. (Passive)
Nowadays, the Rigaud ‘Cyprès’ candle _______ (sell) all over the world, and there are many other scented candles too. (passive)
The special soft wax _____ (invent) by Mario himself (passive)
The setting / suspense went on for so long I was terrified.
The villain / plot in the Harry Potter books is called Voldemort.
The tigers / eat / him / if / he / run / into their cage (3rd conditional)
If / he / run / in the other direction / he / not go into / the zoo (3rd conditional)
If / he / not steal / the chicken / his owner / not shout / at him (3rd conditional)
There was a(n) robbery / illegal downloading last night at a bank in King Street.
The forest fire last week was mugging / arson, according to the fire service.
There is a lot of pickpocketing / arson in tourist areas these days.
I’m really excited about 8 to have / having it!
My older brother offered 3 to talk / talking to my parents