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Tiger6 U3 a/an/some/any

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There is ... bottle of milk.
There is a bottle of milk.
There’s ... cheese on the table.
There’s some cheese on the table.
Are there any eggs in the fridge? ..., ... ...
Yes, there are.
Is there a pineapple on the table? ..., ... ...
No, there isn’t.
Is there any orange juice on the table? ..., ... ...
Yes, there is.
There is ... pear in the fridge.
There is a pear in the fridge.
There ... ... ... for the cake.
There is some sugar for the cake.
Are there ... ... on the table? Yes, ... ...
Are there any coconuts on the table? Yes, there are.
Is there ... ... in the cup? Yes, ... ...
Is there any coffee in the cup? Yes, there is.
... ... comes from a type of tree called ... ...
Chewing gum comes from a type of tree called sapodilla tree.
... trees were sacred for the Celts.
Oak trees were sacred for the Celts.
We have a ... in our classroom.
We have a noticeboard in our classroom.
... trees are very beautiful.
Willow trees are very beautiful.
The outer shell of the tree is called ...
The outer shell of the tree is called bark.
This process is called ...
This process is called photosynthesis.
There isn’t ... ... in the fridge.
There isn’t any butter in the fridge.
There ... ... ... ... on the table.
There are some citrus fruits on the table.
There are ... ... on the table.
There are some spices on the table.