Edit Game
Wider World 2, Unit 9.4

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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just / Spain / Dad / in / holiday / booked / has / our
Dad has just booked our holiday in Spain.
the / yet / been / exhibition / have / new / to / you / ?
Have you been to the new exhibition yet?
Put the word in brackets in the correct place: Rocío has finished all her homework. (just)
Rocío has just finished all her homework.
Put the word in brackets in the correct place: Marta has read that book. (already)
Marta has already read that book.
Put the word in brackets in the correct place: Jaime hasn't studied for the exam. (yet)
Jaime hasn't studied for the exam yet.
Rewrite the sentence using already, just or yet: Star went to the beach yesterday.
Star has already been to the beach.
Rewrite the sentence using already, just or yet: Nuria sent me a really funny video clip about five minutes ago.
Nuria has just sent me a really funny video clip.
Rewrite the sentence using already, just or yet: Did you clean the car this morning?
Have you already cleaned the car?
Rewrite the sentence using already, just or yet: I need to tidy my room.
I haven't tidied my room yet.
Rewrite the sentence using already, just or yet: I did my homework earlier this afternoon.
I've already done my homework.
Rewrite the sentence using already, just or yet: I spoke to Carmen a few moments ago.
I've just spoken to Carmen.
You're slow! Inés has ________ finished this exercise.
Charlie has ________ phoned. He's missed the bus and is going to be late.
Don't take my plate! I haven't finished _________!
A: You look cold and tired. B: Yes, we've ________ been for a long walk.
Have you finished on the computer _______ ? I want to check the train timetable.
I don't want to watch this movie. I've _________ seen it twice!