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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sportsmanship is ...... important/not important
Yes or No..... We need to be respectful and kind to one another
Yes or No ..... participation is key in each program
When you leave a staff's program, you must first.....
Tell the staff where you are going
I can take my mask off when_______
eating or drinking
Yes or No ...... Must you wear your mask at all time?
_________ The Club, Yourself, Other Members and Equipment
100% Respect
Swearing or using inappropriat language will give you...
25 Jumping Jacks, 10 Push Ups or 3 Laps Around the Court / What the Staff Gives You
When you come into club, what must you do first?
Wash your hands
when waiting, how far away must you be from one another?
6ft or 6 tile blocks
What are the Blue Markings for in the game room?
6ft marking line to the bathroom
How long must you wash your hands for?
20 sec.
______ your hand every time before you eat
Yes or No ......... It is okay to drink close to your friend that is directly next to you
No, Must be 6 ft apart or divided with a glass board
Yes or No ....... it is okay to sit in one area (6ft apart) to eat and have our mask off?
Yes or No...... It is Okay to walk around and eat while your mask is off
Areas to eat?
Snack Area or Outside
You grab this to disinfect....
Disinfected Wipes
If you drop a ball or stick in game room what must you do?
25 Jumping Jacks or 10 Push Ups
what are the Yellow markings for in the game room?
Boundaries to those that are NOT playing to step out of YELLOW marking