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Commerce - Travel Quiz

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you not do in a plane?
Talk about crashing 
Watch a movie 
Be quiet 
Ask for peanuts
What movie should you watch on the plane?
Whatever you want to
Snakes on a plane
Jurassic Park
No movie at all
What are the advantages of going to a travel agent?
Qualified staff and deals
Cheaper holiday packages and travel insurance
Travel insurance, can book anything and they are nice
Which of the following is the best outline of an itinerary is?
All of the below
A travel plan
A list of activities
A list of flights
What is a departure tax?
A tax paid when leaving a country
A currency
The exchange rate when converting currencies
The gate fee when boarding a plan
What currency does the UK use in Australia?
Australian Dollar
What issues can you encounter when travelling?
Legal and cultural issues
Health issues
Visa Issues
Insurance issues
Where do you report a lost passport?
Department of Foreign Affairs
Department of stolen Goods
Travel Helper
Trip Advisor
What considerations do you have to take into hand when planning a trip?
All of the above
Where you want to go?
What you need to take
What requirements you need
What is a code of ethics?
A set of values and principles
Morale respect
What is right and wrong
Legalising your stay in the country
What is a strategy to resolve travel problems
Travel insurance
Talk to a travel agent
Make a list of what you need to take
Use a travelers credit card
What are some factors travelers have to take into account when choosing a travel destination
Personal finance
What do you do when getting the best air fare?
Compare them
Look at just one airline
Dont look at the news
Ask a friend
Which Good can you NOT take on a plane?
Nail file
How many months should have on your Visa before travelling overseas?
6 months
12 months
2 months
Which of the following is the most important when travelling?
Travel Insurance
Cash passport
What is a passport? 
a Legal Document
a Visa
a travel ticket
a border pass for countries