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4.0 GIF Sentence Game with CVCe and CVVC words

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Would you like to join me for a quick swim in the stream?
Would you like to join me for a quick swim in the stream?
He might be old, but he can still bust out some cool moves!
He might be old, but he can still bust out some cool moves!
Look at this long green snake swerve and curl up tight on its perch.
Look at this long green snake swerve and curl up tight on its perch.
Cowboy Clark and his brown horse work hard in the yard to be the stars!
Cowboy Clark and his brown horse work hard in the yard to be the stars!
The nurse took a good look in his fur to check for any stray bugs.
The nurse took a good look in his fur to check for any stray bugs.
The baby girl wants the spoon, but she does not know how to get it out!
The baby girl wants the spoon, but she does not know how to get it out!
Did you know that cat could make a wish and blow out the candle on her cake?
Did you know that cat could make a wish and blow out the candle on her cake?
It might be slow, but all of the bright worms walk together in a row!
It might be slow, but all of the bright worms walk together in a row!
Does his owl take a bath in the bowl first thing each morning?
Does his owl take a bath in the bowl first thing each morning?
She will grin and scream when she sees the tooth fly!
She will grin and scream when she sees the tooth fly!
When you try to wash your pet but end up with a splash!
When you try to wash your pet but end up with a splash!
Me, when I hear we are having something I don't like for dinner.
Me, when I hear we are having something I don't like for dinner.
Who thought this silly hat was a good idea?
Who thought this silly hat was a good idea?
Can someone give me a little help with this?
Can someone give me a little help with this?
Help! How do you turn this thing off?
Help! How do you turn this thing off?
When you think you are big, but the jump is bigger!
When you think you are big, but the jump is bigger!
I have it, I have it.... oops! I don't have it!
I have it, I have it.... oops! I don't have it!
When the chase does not go so well for one of them.
When the chase does not go so well for one of them.
Is it me, or did this door shrink a little bit?
Is it me, or did this door shrink a little bit?
If one more person tells me I look like Yoda, I think I'll scream!
If one more person tells me I look like Yoda, I think I'll scream!
When your food is so good, it makes you do tricks!
When your food is so good, it makes you do tricks!
So close, but no treat for you!
So close, but no treat for you!
This is what happens when you don't watch where you are going!
This is what happens when you don't watch where you are going!
Me, when I find out that school is out for summer!
Me, when I find out that school is out for summer!
Get out of my way, I need to shop and go buy this stuff!
Get out of my way, I need to shop and go buy this stuff!
He will fall asleep and dream he is the fastest pig in the world!
He will fall sleep and dream he is the fastest pig in the world!
Can you please help me find my pet?
Can you please help me find my pet?
Well, that is one way to cool off when you are too hot!
Well, that is one way to cool off when you are too hot!
Someone will need to take a big bath tonight!
Someone will need to take a big bath tonight!
It is time for her to lay down and take a little nap.
It is time for her to lay down and take a little nap.
How it feels when you can read all of the words right!
How it feels when you can read all of the words right!
Come here, you nice little fish!
Come here, you nice little fish!
This is what you get when the stick is too big!
This is what you get when the stick is too big!
Do you think a shoe can eat some chips?
Do you think a shoe can eat some chips?
Stop! Get back here with that thing!
Stop! Get back here with that thing!
She will flop down, and he will fly!
She will flop down, and he will fly!
Why didn't anyone tell me my hair looked like this?
Why didn't anyone tell me my hair looked like this?
Please do not make fun of my hat.
Please do not make fun of my hat.
Oh no! I think I ate too much pizza at the party last night!
Oh no! I think I ate too much pizza at the party last night!
Who, me? I didn't do anything!
Who, me? I didn't do anything!
Me, trying to finish my homework so I can go outside and play!
Me, trying to finish my homework so I can go outside and play!
Who wants to take a turn on this fun tire swing?
Who wants to take a turn on this fun tire swing?
Me, trying to stay up late when I should be in bed asleep!
Me, trying to stay up late when I should be in bed asleep!
Quick! Someone needs to close the window before my face blows off!
Quick! Someone needs to close the window before my face blows off!
If I put on my pink shoes, do you think they will help me run faster?
If I put on my pink shoes, do you think they will help me run faster?
Did you hear that funny joke about the dog who fell in the mud?
Did you hear the joke about the dog who fell in the mud?
Who would like to dance a fancy dance with me?
Who would like to dance a fancy dance with me?
Hop on, pal! Where would you like to go today?
Hop on, pal! Where would you like to go today?
Only one more day until my birthday!
Only one more day until my birthday!
Can you please help me get on Zoom?
Can you please help me get on Zoom?