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Everybody Up 6 _ Unit 3: Lesson 2 _ Experiences

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He's been ___________ (solve) the Rubik's cube ________ last month.
He's been solving the Rubik's cube since last month.
He's been _________ (read) the books ________ yesterday.
He's been reading the books since yesterday.
She's been ___________ (collect) books _________ she was eleven.
She's been collecting books since she was eleven.
We've been ___________ (watch) a scary movie ________ 2 weeks.
We've been watching a scary movie for 2 weeks.
He's been ___________(sing) karaoke ______ a long time.
He's been singing karaoke for a long time.
Emma and Julie have been __________ (volunteer) at a soup kitchen _____ a week.
Emma and Julie have been volunteering at a soup kitchen for a week.
We've been _________ (build) the house ________ two years.
We've been building the house for two years.
They've been _________ (study) ballet _______ 2000.
They've been studying ballet since 2000.
Mr. Bean has  __________ (belong) to the judo club ________ a month.
Mr. Bean has belonged to the judo club for a month.
She's been __________ (play) the violin __________ she was four.
She's been playing the violin since she was four.
Doraemon's been __________ (live) in Japan ______ 10 years.
Doraemon's been living in Japan for 10 years.
Danny's been __________ (volunteer) at a soup kitchen ________ 5 years.
Danny's been volunteering at a soup kitchen for 5 years.
How long have you been collecting comic books/ books?
How long have you been living in Vietnam?
I've been living in Vietnam (for a long time / since I was born)..
How long have you been studying English at VUS Ten Lua?
I've been studying English at VUS Ten Lua (for 2 years/ since I was ten).
They've been ____________ (study) ballet _______ they were five.
They've been studying ballet since they were five.
He's been _________ (collect) comic books ________ a long time.
He's been collecting comic books for a long time.
They've been _________ (volunteer) at a soup kitchen _______ a long time.
They've been volunteering at a soup kitchen for a long time.
He's been _________ (build) the websites __________ he was twelve.
He's been building the websites since he was twelve.
Lisa's been _________ (play) the saxophone ________ a long time.
Lisa's been playing the saxophone for a long time.
We've been __________ (live) in Paris _______ we were ten.
We've been living in Paris since we were ten.