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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The socks _____ always _______ (keep) in the drawer
are kept
All gold and gems __________ (hide) by the man under his building in 1990.
were hidden
The rules _________ (say) this morning by the principal.
were said
The truth _______ (know) to everyone now.
is known
Our projects ________ (display) at school today.
are displayed
All the coins I've got ________ (spend) for useless things last night.
are spent
I can go home now because I __________ (lend) some money by my friend before.
was lent
These dogs ______ always ________ (walk) by my dad every 4 pm
are walked
This song _________ (sing) by a famous singer in 1960.
was sung
Kuta beach ________ (visit) by millions of people every holiday season.
is visited
I ________ (awake) by the loud noises every morning.
am awaken
The first trophy _________ (win) by our daughter every year.
is won
The broken devices __________ (fix) by the mechanics every day.
are fixed
Our school ________ (clean) by janitors every afternoon.
is cleaned
rice ________ (grow) by farmers.
is grown
I _________ (choose) as the class leader today.
am chosen
Hundreds of fish _________ (catch) by fishermen every week.
are caught
I _________ (tell) yesterday that you'll come tomorrow.
was told
This viral video ________ (watch) by thousands of people every minute.
is watched
This bench _________ (sit) by an old man with his dog every afternoon.
is sat
The macaroni _________ (bake) 3 hours ago.
was baked
We __________ (connect) via Zoom to learn every day.
are connected
The lesson ______ always ________ (start) at 7.30 a.m.
is started
The las bite of pizza _________ (eat) by Darren just now.
was eaten
Richie __________ (call) by his teacher 5 minutes ago.
was called
The jewelries ____ always _______ neatly by my sister every day.
are put
We ________ (bite) by small creatures in the ocean last week.
were bitten
English language __________ (speak) all over the world.
is spoken
My channel ____________ (subscribe) by millions of people.
is subscribed
The fan __________ (turn) on by my brother just now.
was turned
These books ____________ (sell) out yesterday.
were sold
Indonesia ____________ (lead) by President Joko Widodo.
is led