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Would You Rather- Scary Situations

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Would you rather fall from an aeroplane or stay for an hour in a whales belly?
Would you rather be the only survivor in a zombie apocalypse or the only survivor when machines take over the world?
Would you rather watch a scary movie or go to a haunted house?
Would you rather live on an island full of snakes or stay in a house full of rats?
Would you rather live with an evil robot or an evil monster?
Would you rather be in a house full of bats or a river full of crocodiles?
Would you rather be on a boat attacked by the Kraken or in a house attacked by Godzilla?
Would you rather go to a dragons cave or a witches castle?
Would you rather be taken away by aliens on a UFO or be taken away by pirates?
Would you rather there were 1 million zombies or 1 million spiders?
Would you rather go on a pirate ship or join an evil cowboy gang?
Would you rather put your hand in a beehive or put your hand in a snakes nest?
Would you rather be in a river full of piranhas or a jungle full of tigers?
Would you rather be on an island with King Kong or in a city with Godzilla?
Would you rather go to a haunted house or a scary forest?
Would you rather be in the sea with a giant Octopus or on land with a giant dinosaur?
Would you rather go to a circus full of clowns or a cave full of bats?
Would you rather be in a haunted house full of ghosts or a vampires castle?
Would you rather be in a room full of snakes or a room full of spiders?
Would you rather swim with sharks or be in the jungle with lions?